Federal Government Services

The windstorm we had recently that affected Vancouver and most of the lower mainland disrupted power and contaminated our water supply. It got me thinking, how would Canadians cope in case there is a real emergency like an earthquake or tsunami?

You'll be happy to learn that the Federal government has several departments and services to handle such a situation. Here is a list of some of the services.

Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada or http://www.getprepared.ca - gives advice on how to prepare for an emergency.

SafeCanada.ca - link to information and services on public safety in Canada (e.g. Food and product recalls, school safety, bullying, financial safety, etc.)

Health Canada or http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ - helps Canadians maintain and improve their health. (e.g. question about food safety, drug & health products, diseases, etc.)

Public Health Agency of Canada or http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/new_e.html - To promote and protect the health of Canadians through leadership, partnership, innovation and action in public health.

Provincial Emergency Program for B.C. - Emergency Planning and Preparedness for the Province of B.C.

These are just some of the sites I found, each province have their own programs and departments. The list of local emergency numbers can be found in the phone book as well as calling 911.

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